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Seraphim Kudryashov
Seraphim Kudryashov

Arya Ashtangika Margaya: The Path to Liberation and Enlightenment (PDF)

Arya Ashtangika Margaya Sinhala PDF 20: A Guide to the Noble Eightfold Path

Arya Ashtangika Margaya is a term that means the Noble Eightfold Path in Buddhism. It is one of the core teachings of the Buddha, who described it as the way to end suffering and achieve enlightenment. The Noble Eightfold Path consists of eight factors that are divided into three categories: wisdom, ethical conduct, and mental development.

arya ashtangika margaya sinhala pdf 20

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In this article, we will explore what each factor of Arya Ashtangika Margaya means and how to practice it in daily life. We will also provide you with a link to download a free PDF file that contains 20 pages of detailed explanations and instructions on Arya Ashtangika Margaya in Sinhala language.

What are the Eight Factors of Arya Ashtangika Margaya?

The eight factors of Arya Ashtangika Margaya are as follows:

  • Right View: This is the first factor of wisdom, which means to have a correct understanding of the nature of reality, such as the Four Noble Truths, the law of karma, and the three marks of existence (impermanence, suffering, and non-self).

  • Right Intention: This is the second factor of wisdom, which means to have a pure motivation for following the path, such as renouncing greed, hatred, and delusion, and cultivating compassion, kindness, and wisdom.

  • Right Speech: This is the first factor of ethical conduct, which means to abstain from lying, slander, harsh words, and idle chatter, and to speak truthfully, kindly, respectfully, and beneficially.

  • Right Action: This is the second factor of ethical conduct, which means to abstain from killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, and intoxicants, and to act harmlessly, generously, responsibly, and soberly.

  • Right Livelihood: This is the third factor of ethical conduct, which means to avoid occupations that involve harming oneself or others, such as trading in weapons, animals, intoxicants, or human beings, and to choose occupations that support oneself and others in a moral and ethical way.

  • Right Effort: This is the first factor of mental development, which means to apply oneself diligently to prevent unwholesome states of mind from arising, to overcome them if they have arisen, to cultivate wholesome states of mind that have not yet arisen, and to maintain them if they have arisen.

  • Right Mindfulness: This is the second factor of mental development, which means to be aware of one's body, feelings, mind, and phenomena in the present moment, without attachment or aversion, and with clear comprehension.

  • Right Concentration: This is the third factor of mental development, which means to develop a calm and focused mind that can attain various levels of meditative absorption (jhana), leading to insight and liberation.

How to Practice Arya Ashtangika Margaya in Daily Life?

Practicing Arya Ashtangika Margaya in daily life is not a matter of following a set of rules or rituals. Rather, it is a matter of developing one's wisdom, ethical conduct, and mental development through constant reflection and application. Here are some tips on how to practice each factor of Arya Ashtangika Margaya in daily life:

  • Right View: Study the teachings of the Buddha and other reliable sources of wisdom. Contemplate on the meaning and implications of these teachings for your own life. Seek guidance from teachers and friends who have more experience and understanding. Test your views against reality and see if they lead to happiness or suffering.

  • Right Intention: Examine your motives for doing anything. Ask yourself whether they are based on greed, hatred, or delusion, or on compassion, kindness, or wisdom. Try to purify your intentions by letting go of selfishness and egoism. Dedicate your actions to the benefit of all beings.

  • Right Speech: Before you speak, think carefully about what you want to say. Ask yourself whether it is true, helpful, necessary, and appropriate. Avoid words that can hurt or harm yourself or others. Use words that can heal or inspire yourself or others.

  • Right Action: Before you act, think carefully about what you want to do. Ask yourself whether it is in accordance with the precepts and principles of morality. Avoid actions that can harm yourself or others. Perform actions that can benefit yourself or others.

  • Right Livelihood: Choose a profession that does not involve harming yourself or others directly or indirectly. Avoid activities that can cause suffering or injustice in the world. Engage in activities that can contribute to peace and harmony in the world.

  • Right Effort: Be diligent in your practice of meditation and mindfulness. Avoid distractions and temptations that can weaken your mind. Strengthen your mind by cultivating positive emotions and thoughts. Balance your effort with relaxation and rest.

Right Mindfulness: Be aware of what is happening in your body, feelings,


Where to Download Arya Ashtangika Margaya Sinhala PDF 20?

If you are interested in learning more about Arya Ashtangika Margaya, you may want to download a free PDF file that contains 20 pages of detailed explanations and instructions on this topic in Sinhala language. This PDF file is based on the teachings of Ven. Wavethanne Pannasara Thero, who is a renowned Buddhist scholar and preacher. He has delivered many lectures on Arya Ashtangika Margaya and other aspects of Buddhism in various places.

To download the PDF file, you can click on this link: Arya Ashtangika Margaya Sinhala PDF 20. You can also read it online or listen to the audio version of the lecture. You will find this PDF file very useful and informative, as it covers all the essential points of Arya Ashtangika Margaya in a clear and concise manner.


Arya Ashtangika Margaya is a very important and practical teaching of the Buddha, which shows us the way to end suffering and attain enlightenment. It is not a rigid or dogmatic system, but a flexible and adaptable one, that can be applied to any situation and circumstance. By following Arya Ashtangika Margaya, we can develop our wisdom, ethical conduct, and mental development, and ultimately realize our true nature and potential.

We hope that this article has given you a brief overview of what Arya Ashtangika Margaya is and how to practice it in daily life. We also hope that you have downloaded the free PDF file that contains more details and guidance on this topic in Sinhala language. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us or leave a comment below. Thank you for reading and may you be well and happy!

What are the Benefits of Arya Ashtangika Margaya Sinhala PDF 20?

There are many benefits of reading and practicing Arya Ashtangika Margaya Sinhala PDF 20. Some of them are:

  • It helps you to understand the true nature of reality and overcome ignorance, which is the root cause of suffering.

  • It helps you to develop moral virtues and avoid unwholesome actions, which lead to negative consequences.

  • It helps you to cultivate concentration and mindfulness, which enable you to see things as they are and control your mind.

  • It helps you to develop wisdom and insight, which lead to liberation from the cycle of birth and death.

  • It helps you to live a peaceful and harmonious life, with compassion and kindness towards all living beings.

By reading and practicing Arya Ashtangika Margaya Sinhala PDF 20, you can experience the benefits of this noble path in your own life. You can also share this precious knowledge with others and help them to achieve happiness and well-being.

How to Practice Arya Ashtangika Margaya Sinhala PDF 20?

Arya Ashtangika Margaya Sinhala PDF 20 provides you with a clear and comprehensive guide on how to practice this path in your daily life. It explains each of the eight factors of Arya Ashtangika Margaya in detail, with examples and instructions. It also gives you practical tips and advice on how to overcome the obstacles and challenges that you may face along the way.

The eight factors of Arya Ashtangika Margaya are:

  • Right View: This is the correct understanding of the four noble truths, the law of cause and effect, and the nature of existence.

  • Right Intention: This is the sincere motivation to follow the path of wisdom and compassion, free from greed, hatred, and delusion.

  • Right Speech: This is the abstention from lying, slandering, harsh words, and idle chatter, and the cultivation of truthful, harmonious, gentle, and meaningful speech.

  • Right Action: This is the abstention from killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, and intoxicants, and the cultivation of non-violence, generosity, purity, and sobriety.

  • Right Livelihood: This is the abstention from earning a living by harming oneself or others, and the cultivation of an honest, ethical, and beneficial occupation.

  • Right Effort: This is the diligent application of one's energy to prevent and abandon unwholesome states of mind, and to develop and maintain wholesome states of mind.

  • Right Mindfulness: This is the constant awareness of one's body, feelings, mind, and phenomena, with clear comprehension and detachment.

  • Right Concentration: This is the attainment of mental calmness and stability through various levels of meditation.

By practicing these eight factors in a balanced and integrated way, you can gradually purify your mind from defilements and realize the ultimate truth of Nibbana. 4e3182286b


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